Super Seminary: Elf Throne

Chapter 23 War Alarm (2)

Qiangwei suddenly stepped forward, hugged Ge Xiaolun and kissed him deeply. As if he was stimulated by some kind of stimulation, his wings actually started to flap gradually.

While exclaiming the magic, he felt the love from the angel, beautiful and simple.

The experience that the wings brought to him was something he had never experienced before. The experience of flying completely in the sky was far more direct and impactful than the experience of flying in an airplane or helicopter.

Ge Xiaolun turned around and floated in the air. He also wanted to show her what he could see and feel and experience this difference.

He connected with Qiangwei and said calmly: "Hey, Qiangwei, can you hear me? The sky is so beautiful, I really want to show you."

"Don't invade my private channel. You're embarrassed, aren't you?"

Qiangwei jumped through the wormhole and quickly came to Ge Xiaolun's side. The two held hands and kept flying towards the sky, like a pair of free flying birds flying towards the distant sky.

When she was in the stratosphere, Qiangwei signaled Ge Xiaolun to stop. A super soldier of her level was not strong enough to leave the air, so she put on a helmet and a pair of black mechanical wings.

Ge Xiaolun exclaimed: "Wow, your wings are pretty cool. How much do they cost?"

Qiangwei did not answer this question. After all, the wings behind her were specially configured. She did not want to say that her father had given her good products but not to them.

I had to change the subject and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to space."

Then Qiangwei took Ge Xiaolun to the outside of the earth at a faster speed, and used the helmet device to speak, and her voice sounded a little different. But she still slowly stated the reasonable reasons for equipping mechanical wings, but Ge Xiaolun didn't understand it very well.

"You are the power of the galaxy and can fly freely in the universe. But I am different, I still need air."

As she spoke, Qiangwei expressed a little bit of her heart. She actually envied Ge Xiaolun. Although what she said was other things, the meaning of her words had a bit of that feeling.

Ge Xiaolun was about to say something, but suddenly his mind seemed to receive some kind of dark communication. The noise made him stunned for a moment, and the words he just said in the middle of the sentence quickly turned into words.

"Come on, he, they are coming, very close!"

Although he is not very skilled in the use of dark energy, he is still one of the three major god-making projects. He has computing power that exceeds that of ordinary people and can easily penetrate simple dark communications and receive them. And just now, the dark communication channel communicated by the Taotie was received by him. The simple communication was quickly cracked, and he heard the conversation of the aliens.

At the same time, Irene also received the dark communication, but the time was a little later than Ge Xiaolun. The main reason is that Venus is located a little far away from the earth, and Irene was checking the deployment of other combat-level resources of the elf civilization at the time, so it was late.

"Have the Taotie come over? Send the three-dimensional projection of the Taotie fleet to the earth's civilization. I hope you can be ready."

After Irene finished speaking in a suppressed voice, she turned to look at the monkey wandering behind her. She suddenly burst into emotion and dragged the monkey and shouted, "Let's go to a duel!"

"Hey, the little baby has been having a bad temper recently. Is he suffering from war phobia again? It's okay. With your uncle monkey here, I guarantee that no one will dare to hurt you."

The monkey is very arrogant. His edges and corners are not completely smoothed out like Sun Wukong, but they are just a little restrained. Most of the time he is still like that, and he is also very interested in fighting.

Suddenly, he covered his ear with his right hand as if talking on the phone. His originally arrogant and pretentious tone instantly turned into a groveling tone, as if there was a Tathagata Buddha facing him that he was afraid of.

"Zixia, please wait a moment. I want to challenge Her Majesty the Queen to a duel now. No, no, no, it's not that I don't want to talk to you. I'll go over right now."

Seeing the monkey's anxious look, Irene had no choice but to give up the duel, but when he led him away, she did not forget to show her squinting expression, which was a little comfort to him.

"Eva, have you detected any abnormalities? For example, very tiny micro-wormhole transfers, and traces of demons."

The figure of the EVA girl suddenly appeared next to Irene, and while following her forward, she stated the current situation of the earth. From the beginning to the end, there was no instability in the holographic image.

"The earth is very calm. There is indeed a little micro-wormhole fluctuation, but that is normal for the current earth. We are now at the end of the fourth generation of elven gods, and there is no large-scale search for such tiny wormhole fluctuations."

Erin knows better than Eva that there must be the demon queen Morgana or the angel Liang Bing in those micro-wormhole fluctuations. If she can be found and dealt a devastating blow to her, maybe.

‘What am I thinking? Morgana is backed by the God of Death, Karl. If I move her, she will face the God of Death, Karl. Besides, I can’t kill her. ’

"Eva, please come here and estimate how long it will take if we directly destroy the Taotie Army?"

Eva's cold, plain but delicate voice sounded again, "In no more than one day, all middle and high-level people can be annihilated and decapitated. In no more than seven days, all Taotie will be annihilated."

"If I directly eliminate Taotie, what will the God of Death Carl do?"

"Unknown. What is certain is that the God of Death, Karl, will definitely visit the elven civilization. He may locate our position for a void strike, or it may be our home star, the elven star."

When Eva expressed her judgment, her expression remained unchanged and expressionless.

Eileen was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat just thinking about it. Although he sent the Taotie Civilization for invasion, it was more for Liang Bing. It was okay to help Xiongbing destroy a few ships. If he killed them all by force, he would only be greeted by the wrath of Karsus.

"Forget it, let's give the heroes a few hints to help them, and then we can advance to the fourth generation of elven gods and then make other plans." Irene said fearfully.

She suddenly remembered the fourth generation divine body again, and looked at Eva who was almost the same in essence and asked.

"Before, you said that the fourth-generation elven divine body was very powerful. Then after I rise to the fourth-generation elven divine body, who will be stronger than Carl, the God of Death?"

Eva calmly analyzed it for a while, and then spoke: "There is no comparison, but what is certain is that the void research of Karl, the God of Death, must be above the elven civilization. Just like you said before, forcibly tearing one space into another space, The current level of elven civilization is simply not possible.”

Erin took a deep breath and put aside these things temporarily. The heavy pressure made her breathless. They were like knives hanging over their heads, which could be struck down at any time.

Only by grasping every detail and seizing the time to improve yourself when Morgana relaxes can you have the opportunity to remove the knife hanging above your head and sit on the throne that holds the knife.

"Look at where their vanguard is going. I want to know all the information and prepare to assist in low-altitude operations on Earth. I always feel that the Taotie's combat power is much higher than before, so I can't take it lightly."

Erin opened the dark plane public channel, connected to the combat unit, and spoke in a calm but firm tone.

"Attention combat units, I am Elf Queen Irene. The elves or beasts who have received the mission are ready to assemble. The beginning of the war is about to begin!"

Jia Xi just followed silently, but his hands had already been clenched into fists. The monkey who originally went back came back again, with a smile on his face and full of excitement. The others were also ready, and they just needed to give the order.

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