Super Seminary: Elf Throne

Chapter 24 Battle of Tianhe (1)

Taotie's three warships sailed into the earth, but their target was not Juxia City, where the Super Seminary was located, nor the Juxia City, which remained calm under the stormy sea, but Tianhe City, which had worse defenses and no troops.

Fortunately, Tianhe City carried out a general evacuation 5 hours in advance. With the help of traffic police, criminal police and other police forces, citizens quickly left the city center and gradually fled to other cities.

Three huge warships quickly occupied the sky above Tianhe City. The Taotie flying devices that rushed out and the pioneers of civilization were frantically destroying the city.

The first to arrive were various intercontinental missiles with long ranges, but they were not very powerful, and they were not equipped with nuclear warheads, which would pollute Tianhe City too much.

Gunfire rushed towards the battleship, but the result was not pretty. Although the Taotie Battleship is only an aerospace-level civilization, it is still at a relatively high level in certain aspects of technology. The God of Death, Karl, has taught them technology a lot.

Before the gunfire reached ten meters from the battleship, it was blocked by a light blue barrier and had no ability to even damage their battleship. As for those small airships, they searched for the Tianhe citizens who had not completely evacuated one by one to prevent them from being covered by large-scale artillery fire. For a while, China was at a loss.

The company of soldiers set off earlier than expected. News and reports said a lot about being unable to cause damage to alien invaders. They also introduced the companies of soldiers who had already set off. Tianhe City, a prosperous city, has become the focus of the entire world and the beginning of the collision between civilizations.

The elven civilization released a low-flying device around the earth and sent a dark communication to the Taotie civilization, which stated its dissatisfaction with their invasion of China.

The Taotie Civilization responded very directly. It fired a powerful energy cannon without even saying hello. The aircraft crookedly avoided the attack, then suddenly disappeared and hid.

"I'm so angry. Do these gluttons think they are powerful? Since you ignored the warning, don't blame me for destroying your advance guard!"

At the same time, the male soldiers were waiting silently on the large helicopter. Everyone ate compressed special energy food to ensure their best physical condition and prepare to face the enemy.

General communications were constantly broadcasting about this battle. The Xiongbing Company, which chose the focus, was hyping up the campaign. The first thing they talked about was the battle against the victorious Buddha Sun Wukong.

Ge Xiaolun thought to himself, 'When the citizens heard that it was Brother Monkey, they should feel a lot more at ease. But how to fight this battle? What can I do? ’

The 9 people in the team always have one kind of emotion, and generally speaking, they are all depressed. This time, no one said anything to relieve the pressure. There is no time for a powerful enemy right in front of them. Besides, Ge Xiaolun had just asked about all his thoughts other than surrender, peace talks and exchanges, etc. Reina's answer was also very direct that it was impossible for them to have peace talks.

It wasn't until nearly an hour into the flight that a sound came from the armed helicopter's communications.

"Important mission, important mission. Since large transport aircraft cannot directly enter the battlefield and will be intercepted by the air, you will transfer to an armed helicopter at Yunshan Airport. I wish you good luck."

Everyone was silent as they listened. The feeling should be more nervous than the exam, maybe some people were nervous.

Suddenly, the overall channel of the Xiongbing Company was connected to a dark communication at the same time, and a familiar voice sounded, attracting everyone's attention. But after hearing that sound, everyone relaxed.

"Have you missed me, heroes? I think you are on the front line of the battlefield now, and so am I. This time there may be more Taotie than expected. I will lead the elite support of the elven civilization, but how to support is still difficult. Let’s see if Admiral Dukao needs my help, that’s all.”

The call ended, and everyone's mood eased slightly, even Sun Wukong. Because he knows the strength of the elven civilization, monkeys similar to himself are not bad. With a few elves like Irene, they are actually quite easy to fight.

The next second the dark communication disappeared, Dukao received the dark communication intrusion, but it was just an ordinary communication connection and had no other meaning.

"I didn't expect that my first forcible visit would be at such a time, but I don't want to explain. Dukao, do you need help? The conditions I promised you last time can be fulfilled now."

Dukao naturally knew who the person on the call was, but he was always unsure of paying attention when thinking calmly. In the end, he gritted his teeth and rejected the proposal.

"No, I believe in the Xiongbing Company. Every one of them is good. If, I mean, if they can't resist, I'll ask you for help."

Eileen's words were casual, and she said: "That's okay. Anyway, I have plenty of time. I think I will need my help soon."

Having said that, Erin is paying attention to the war situation all the time. She actually hopes that the earth will let her help. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have sold a chance to help, and it wouldn’t be all sentimental to the earth, but full of memories and a similar home.

Eileen has actually found the address of her former home, and there are similar people and things there. The only difference is that I don't belong there, and I don't have a family position of my own. It is not appropriate to say that things have changed and people have changed. It was not Eileen's home in the first place.

She has changed in these 500 years, but her true heart will not change. So she never left the scene from the beginning to the end. The male soldiers transferred to armed helicopters and spread out one by one. This was a good idea.

"Hey, if it's just an invasion by an ordinary aerospace-grade civilization, this trick might be really effective, but how could their technology not be able to locate your location?"

As Eileen said this, the helicopter's propellers were already turning. The nine people were divided into three columns and the ones at the front were naturally the most resistant, Ge Xiaolun, Sun Wukong and Reina.

'Unfortunately, dark energy detection will be blocked by void energy, otherwise I would have reached Taotie's main force. ’

Thinking of this, Irene turned to Gaxi behind her and said: "Get ready, we will be on stage soon. The number of void warriors is unknown, but there must be more than 4. Since Karl can use the void warriors as a test, he must be prepared. More void warriors to deal with us."

Thick smoke was billowing, and the sky above Tianhe City was filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke and burning. The high-rise buildings were filled with thick smoke. Ge Xiaolun could vaguely distinguish the smell, but his eyes were erratic and confused, and he didn't even know why he really did it. Come here and fight the so-called aliens.

‘Is my current choice right or wrong? What do aliens look like? Will I be beaten to death by them? ’

Questions came to mind one after another, and all the noise around him was completely filtered out. He didn't even feel much about walking through the smoke-filled area and entering the war zone.

"The Xiongbing Company will enter the combat zone immediately and ask ground troops to cover us and prepare to pass through the thick smoke."

Suddenly, the communication channel emitted an anxious roar, shouting repeatedly: "Unidentified combat units appear ahead, avoid, avoid, avoid!"

A beam of energy came directly, and the armed helicopter tried its best to avoid it, but the helicopter's flexibility in the air was limited, and it was hit by the energy beam almost instantly.

"Unit No. 1 Reina was shot. Unit No. 1 Reina was shot. She was attacked by an unknown source and exploded violently."

Ge Xiaolun, who was originally stunned, watched the explosion. The No. 1 helicopter on his left, where Reina was sitting, was directly blown up. The helicopter spun and burst into flames, and the helicopter behind it almost fell down with it.

No one could see clearly in the fog. The helicopter's intercom channel kept shouting every word, but they had no idea who the enemy was. They didn't even see the troops covering the ground. The entire battle situation was evolving. into a disadvantageous situation for them.

"The situation is not right, we have fallen into a trap, hold on, hold on, hold on!"

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