Allard Gunslinger in Marvel

Chapter 23 The Avengers

Back at the clearing where the plane landed, Mei and the agents were guarding the 'human stick' Ultron.

Ultron did not struggle or be afraid. Its consciousness was still there and it did not run away. It had a mean expression on its face and shook its head, as if it really wanted to see how Neil taught it a lesson after he came back.

After an interrogation with no results, everyone saw that it talked too much, so they directly destroyed his sound system. Now he can only make faces and put on a bad expression.

Captain America and the Avengers were also sitting nearby. There were trees smashed by the Hulk all around. The round tree stumps were all fine except for some wooden thorns piercing their buttocks.

Black Widow and Thor were obviously not in very good condition. They must have just been freed from the illusion of fear.


Tony fell from the sky and landed unsteadily on the ground.

Seeing Tony coming back, Captain America and others quickly gathered around and took Dr. Banner from Tony's arms.

"How's the damage? The damage is not extensive, right?" Steve asked as he handed Dr. Banner to Hawkeye and asked him to take him back to the plane for a comprehensive inspection, while looking at Tony with a worried expression.

Tony released his armor and staggered to reveal his true body.

Steve quickly stepped forward to support him, helped him sit on a tree stump aside, and called Natasha to come and treat the wound on his head.

Tony reached out to take the water Natasha handed over and took a small sip. "We arrived a little late. He still destroyed a few streets and injured people, but we controlled him later."

Steve's face became even more worried. Since the Battle of New York, Hulk's strength and character have always been awe and feared by the world. Now those people's fears have become a reality. Hulk has really hurt mankind. Then the Avengers The situation will also be very bad.

"You just said that 'we' had him under control, who is fighting with you?" Steve asked.

Hearing Steve's question, Tony seemed to have thought of something, and a smile appeared on his gloomy face, "That bastard Fury, he has a secret weapon."

"Fury's not dead?" Steve asked pretending to be surprised.

Of course he knew that Fury was not dead, and he also knew that Fury was hiding secretly to recuperate, but he didn't know why Tony also knew this secret.

Fury himself told him that only a few people knew he was still alive.

Tony sighed and shook his head, "Although I don't believe it either, I'm afraid this bastard is really dead. This is his legacy, a weapon hidden by SHIELD."

"what happened?"

"He is a very powerful guy. He is dressed like a vigilante cowboy from the last century, but he is definitely not a human. Humans are not that powerful. He should be an extraterrestrial visitor like Thor."

Tony projected a scene of Neil's battle. Mei, who was standing next to him, saw this and quickly stepped forward to watch carefully.

As Mei watched, her eyes widened, and she was frightened by the fighting power displayed by Neil in the picture, especially when she saw Neil behind him, who could defeat the power-based Hulk with just his fists. Unable to move, his black pupils shrank in shock.

"Who is he?"

Steve crossed his arms and asked Mei, with a somewhat relieved expression. In this situation, the Avengers are in urgent need of a powerful new force to join. The man in the picture is definitely the best news in recent days.

"His name is Neil, and he's an alien." Mei said with a straight face. She was hesitating, thinking about whether to tell the Avengers the real situation.

This is out of selfish motives. SHIELD also needs powerful new forces to solve their problems. Neil is a very powerful person and she needs to fight for it.

You can’t give all your resources to the Avengers!

While May was still fighting in her mind and hesitating secretly, Nick Fury's voice suddenly sounded on the channels of Avengers and May.

"Tell them, May."

Everyone was shocked, and Tony even laughed and cursed, "You son of a bitch, you're still alive!"

Although he cursed, the joy on Tony's face could not hide his true emotions. Fury was not dead, which was good news for all the Avengers.

"I'm so sorry, but I left no legacy to anyone," Fury said jokingly.

"Fuck you!"

"Watch the language." Steve smiled and reminded Tony of swear words.

Mei sullenly walked aside and opened the private channel, "Sir, Coulson has been too busy recently, and SHIELD needs Neil."

"The Avengers need Neil more! The world needs these powerful people to protect it. In the face of crisis, I hope you can prioritize clearly. Agent May, Neil is not the private property of SHIELD." Nick Fury accepted. Private channel, scolded in a deep voice without hesitation.

After hearing this, Mei still hesitantly retorted to Fury, "There has been a lot of movement among the Inhumans recently. For Neil's priority, we have even slowed down the rescue of our partners. At this time, it is difficult to complete these tasks without Neil." .”

She had always been a little dissatisfied with Neil before, and this was actually the reason.

SHIELD has too much work to do, and the life and death of their partners is also uncertain. Although she has determined that Neal is harmless and non-threatening from the battle between Neal and Hulk, this thorn is still buried in her heart.

Fury on the other end of the communication was silent for two seconds. "I know about Skye. After the Ultron incident is over, I believe Neil will go back to help you."

"But before that, trust Coulson, he will take care of everything. He is the best agent SHIELD has had in recent times."

Now that the words have been said, what else can Mei say, she can only agree.

"You just sold me out like this? You didn't even ask me for my opinion?"

Mei turned around and looked, and saw Neil standing aside with his arms folded. His silent appearance shocked her.

"Where were you going and why did you come back so much later than Tony?"

Neil shrugged, "I went to the city for a while and saw the Iron Man support foundation team dealing with the damage, so I came back."

The two sides communicated casually for dozens of minutes, and May told the Avengers all about Neal's origins and information.

Of course, the information about Coulson and the SHIELD base was concealed during this period. She just disguised her group as the remaining active forces of SHIELD.

"Thor, do you know where he comes from?" Steve turned to Sol and asked.

Thor threw his hammer, "I don't know. His fighting method is not possessed by the nine kingdoms. At least in the Milky Way, I have never heard of a race like him. He has powerful energy in his body and amazing fighting power."

Thor is actually very conflicted in his heart. He has great power and has a human appearance at the same time. This is something that only Asgardians can do in the universe.

But he didn't feel the presence of the god in Neil. This was only the case in Asgard.

He seemed to have thought of something and was in a bad mood.

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