Allard Gunslinger in Marvel

Chapter 24 The Invasion of the Apostles

Everyone looked at each other, but they didn't show any expressions of rejection.

There is an Asgardian among the Avengers, so no matter where Neil comes from, since he has a kind heart and will not bully the weak while possessing great power, he is already qualified to become an Avenger.

As for whether Neil has some little personality, it doesn't matter. Can his weird personality be as bad as Stark's?

Just as everyone was thinking about whether to include Neil in the Avengers, Hill's voice suddenly sounded in the Avengers team communicator.

"Guys, you have to retreat quickly. The army is already rushing towards you, preparing to expel you."

Tony frowned, "What's going on?"

"The news is full of your news and nothing else. Although the official has not issued a request to arrest Banner, the public voice is very high."

Everyone glanced at Dr. Banner, who was sitting on the tree stump and had just woken up.

Banner was very disappointed and felt very sad at the same time. He knew what Hulk had done, so now his heart was full of guilt and anger, and he wanted to eat alive the witch who affected his emotions.

He sat far away from Neil, and it seemed that some residual memories frightened him.

"It is best for everyone to remain invisible for now, avoid it for the time being, and not show your face in front of the world."

"So you want us to hide?"

Hill pursed his lips and said hesitantly, "I can't make any more suggestions until I find Ultron. Qianqian."

"So are we."

Tony turned to look at his teammates and sighed.

"What about you, what do you think?" Steve asked Neil.

Neil waved his hands indifferently and sarcastically said with a half-smile, "Since you have arranged it for me, what else can I say!"

Steve raised his head slightly and looked at Neil suspiciously.

Neil looked indifferent, turned around and picked up Ultron's head with one hand, grabbed it and walked to SHIELD's plane. The meaning was self-evident.

When Mei saw this, she felt happy. As if she was afraid that Neil would regret it, she quickly called the agents to board the plane together and left the place.

He doesn't like the Avengers because of Hulk.

He has seen messages from the earth. This world is countless times more stable than Arad. Almost all wars are started by humans themselves. He hates this kind of disaster and crisis from the bottom of his heart, so he doesn't want to be a human again. ambassador of peace.

The sins humans have done themselves should be borne by themselves.

Although it may be ordinary people who suffer in the end, he doesn't want to get involved in any inexplicable interest entanglements.

He only has a grudge against Ultron.

After killing Ultron, he will leave here and travel around the earth to find a way back to Arad.

The Earth is protected by the Avengers, but Arad is not.

Even if he knows that his power may not make waves in Arad, the people there need help more and life there is more challenging than on Earth.

As for Nick Fury treating him as a subordinate, that doesn't matter.

Now that he has recovered his magic power, SHIELD is no longer a concern for him. Once he repairs his space bracelet and retrieves his equipment, there should not be any great danger in this world where magic power is scarce.

"Neal, Ultron is a big problem. If we don't solve it, thousands of people will die." Nick Fury said in a deep voice into Neil's headset.

"Of course, I will solve it." Neil manipulated a force of magic power to penetrate deep into the metal body of Ultron, instantly destroying most of the systems and functions of the Ultron clone, including the positioning system.

Then he casually threw Ultron aside, preparing to take it back and study it carefully.

"I know you are a person who has a good impression of humans, so you should join the Avengers. It's better to fight as a team than to work alone. Coulson doesn't have time to help you. They still have a lot of messes." Fury said seriously. .

"Really? But I'm sorry, I don't need help from others. I'm used to working alone." After Neil finished speaking, he took off the headset and threw it to Mei beside him.

Slowly closing his eyes, Neil entered a state of cultivation.

He was in a good mood when he came and was even in the mood to joke with Mei, but now he was in a bad mood.

And not just because of the destruction Hulk causes.

The magic power in his body has quadrupled in just a few days. This is not a good sign. The devil's whisper still seems to be echoing in his ears.

Neil was certain that he was targeted by the apostle without knowing it, and was quietly introduced to the magic seeds.

And it is very likely that he is the fourth apostle, Casillas, who is known as the Conqueror.

Although the routine of making others believe and worship is usually what "Long Legs" Lotus likes to do, the bellicose emotional transmission is difficult to conceal, which is unique to all apostles Casillas.

During his final battle with the Hulk, he clearly felt like he was losing control of his brain.

It was as if a natural bellicose mood was conveyed to him, allowing him to explode in times of crisis. While crushing the Hulk, he became violent and ferocious, and even had a bloodthirsty impulse.

Running several magic cycles, Neil searched for traces of the apostle seeds in his body.

In the end, nothing came of it.

On the contrary, his physical fitness is getting stronger, more than twice as strong as two days ago.

In just a few days, he accomplished something that he had not been able to do for more than ten years.

His face was gloomy, and Neil's eyes flickered.

Cultivating the mind in Arad is more important than cultivating the body. If you don't pay attention, you will be doomed and completely degenerated into a slave of darkness.

The practitioners of Arad know this very well, so the speed at which they improve their strength always has an internal measure of themselves. Once it exceeds this standard, something must have happened.

Power is a kind of poison, it will indulge people's hearts and make people fall into it.

In the end, he lost his self and original intention, lost his consciousness, and became a madman who would do anything for power and growth.

Neil clenched his fists. He hated such madmen, and he didn't want to become a madman himself.

My mind became more and more nervous and chaotic, and for a while, the violent feeling came to my heart again.

Neil, who couldn't bear it, his eyes instantly turned red, and his body exuded a cold aura, which made the agents around him tremble.

Turning to look at Ultron on the ground, Neil's murderous mood became more intense.

Ultron sensed something, turned around with difficulty with his metal brain, and faced Neil's dark red eyes, suddenly feeling a bad premonition.

Raising his head, Ultron, who was far away on the other side of the earth, wanted to take back his clone's consciousness.

Neil's magic instantly enveloped the Quinjet, sealing Ultron's residual consciousness within the body.

"Ultron, have you ever felt pain?"

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