Pokemon Master

Chapter 95 Electric Destroyer

After Magneto came out of the Poké Ball, it immediately looked at Fang Yuan.

let's start.

Fang Yuan said simply.

He took a stone he had picked up long ago and put it next to Magneto.

Now, Magneto's only task is to keep practicing, trying to control the stone with the power of awakening to make it float.

When Magneto can control the stones at will, it means that Magneto's awakening power has been initially mastered——

At the very least, it has reached the level of ordinary mind power.


Training Course.

Ibrahimovic practiced repaying his gratitude on the side, while Magneto practiced his awakening power.

The first to show results was on the side of Magneto.

After conscious and continuous practice, its control of the stones quickly improved significantly.

From only using the awakening power to control the shaking of the stone, to letting the stone completely hang in the air, the effect is almost immediate.


Magneto let out a nervous and excited cry.


The stone fell to the ground.

It's too early for you to be happy. Fang Yuan said.

Magneto looked at the stone, embarrassed.

Stop for a while.

After seeing that the little magnet monster had some results, Fang Yuan also planned to test the reason for the explosion of the mobile phone again.

He also called Ibrahimovic over, and in front of the two elves, he took out three more things.

No more empty water bottles, paper balls, and toothpicks this time.

It's a calculator, a 4WD, an electric shaver.

The calculator was used by Fang Yuan to calculate data when he was in school.

The four-wheel drive is a toy that Fang Yuan found out of a broken box at home, and it seems that it can still be used with batteries.

The last razor is what Fang Dad eliminated.

These three things have a characteristic, the energy is electricity.

Buyi! Ibrahimovic also understood Fang Yuan's plan, staring at Magneto, trying to find out why the phone exploded.

Magnetic, get ready.

Fang Yuan first opened the calculator and placed it in front of Magneto, letting him concentrate on using the awakening power on the calculator.

After three seconds.

When Fang Yuan used the calculator again, he found that the calculator had malfunctioned.

Fang Yuan's expression changed slightly, turned on the switch of the four-wheel drive, and put it in the sand.

After Magneto treated the 4WD in the same way, the wheels stopped slowly, and then the body began to emit smoke...

The 4x4 was also broken.

Finally, Fang Yuan turned on the electric shaver and put it on the ground. He and Ibrahimovic moved slightly away, and under Magneto's eyes again...


Like a mobile phone, the razor exploded directly, and this time even Magneto himself was startled.

Buyi!! The three experiments made Ibrahimovic recall the scene of yesterday, and he was a little annoyed.

at the same time.

Fang Yuan was startled.

it is as expected.

Magneto's awakening power is not as simple as a simple thought wave.

It also has the properties of electromagnetic waves.

The two waves interacted, creating a whole new twist, making Magneto a natural destroyer of electrical appliances.

And the premise is that the little magnet monster concentrates.

Quie... Little Magneto looked at Fang Yuan blankly, panicking about his own power.

Don't worry, this power is normal, your evolved form can use strong magnetic force to destroy precision machines. Fang Yuan said calmly.

You are just a little special, the essence of your ability has not changed, it is not necessarily a good thing, and it is not necessarily a bad thing.

This ability is very similar to a kind of spirit, that is Yongjira.

Yongjira's special ability is that he can emit special alpha waves from his body, which can make enemies approaching him feel pain, and the strong alpha waves can damage precision instruments.

Therefore, around Yongjira, strange things often happen that the clock is turned back, and terrible images suddenly appear on TV.

The so-called alpha waves are actually a type of brain waves. Yongjira enhances the alpha waves by staring at the spoon, and can easily use his superpowers to act on electrical appliances and change their operation patterns.

Now, Magneto, who has awakened the power of awakening with the superpower attribute, has also achieved Yongjira's way of merging mind waves and radio waves due to the fact that his own race is good at using electromagnetic waves.

However, the dominant relationship between the two is somewhat different.

Yongjila is the main thought wave and the auxiliary radio wave.

And the little magnet is the main radio wave and the auxiliary wave.

Suddenly, Fang Yuan had a bold idea, could the awakening power of the little magnetite still affect living organisms?

You must know that most of the hallucinations in human dreams are caused by electromagnetic radiation. When I was doing homework in the bedroom, I had not seen the Magneto, and I thought of the Magneto. Is it also because of it? idea?

And... Ibrahimovic's dream, isn't it also due to the influence of Magneto's thoughts?

Fang Yuan shook his head, this chance shouldn't be high...

After explaining the matter of Yongjira to Magneto and Ibrahimovic, the two elves felt different.

Magneto wondered if he would evolve into Yongjira...

And what Ibrahimovic thought was that Magneto, a prodigal elf, must not be allowed to touch the mobile phone again.

In an instant, Ibrahimovic's sunk hostility towards Magneto resurfaced.

Fang Yuan said with a headache: So... Little Magneto, you should understand it, don't just focus on looking at electrical appliances in the future, otherwise it is very likely that the interaction between thought waves and radio waves will trigger instant electromagnetic phenomena, resulting in Electrical appliances burn out, especially those small ones that your mental power can cover!

If there is too much commotion, it will not be as simple as returning to the power plant. It is very likely that it will be thrown into the incinerator and disposed of as a dangerous item!

Under Fang Yuan's intimidation, Magneto shook his body and nodded obediently.


Ibrahimovic glanced at Fang Yuan, and the shrewd Ibrahimovic had discovered that Fang Yuan's eyes on Magneto were different now, how could he be willing to deal with Magneto.

It glanced helplessly at Magneto, this guy... won't be its companion next time?

Those trainers on TV all have several elves.

So in the future... not only have to prevent fire and theft, but also protect against small magnets? !

Ibrahimovic: (;'⌒`), it's so difficult for me.

In fact, Fang Yuan was indeed working on this idea. Judging from the talent shown by Magneto now, it was completely beyond the ordinary Magneto.

And the little magnet was just raised by their family. If he didn't tap its potential, Fang Yuan would be ashamed of his status as a trainer.

A gifted elf that no trainer dislikes.

As for the cultivation issue, you can put it aside for a while. At the current stage, only simple feeding is carried out, and when there are abundant resources, the training of the little magnets will be considered.

Anyway, his road as a trainer is still very long, and he is not in a hurry for one or two years.

Magnetic, do you want me to be your trainer? Fang Yuan said suddenly.

Quie? The little magnet was stunned.

Be my elf, within a year, I will do my best to make you fly, and at the same time, let those who reject you can only look up to you in the future. Fang Yuan said seriously.

Fang Yuan's words fell, and a strange light flashed in Little Magneto's eyes.

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