Pokemon Master

Chapter 96 School Captain

Fang Yuan and Magneto made a one-year contract.

During this year, Fang Yuan will try his best to help Magneto return to normal.

And a year later, Fang Yuan will officially subdue Magneto and help it become stronger and surpass those of its kind!

After confirming that Magneto might become his second elf,

Fang Yuan originally wanted to let Ibrahimovic and Magneto get to know each other again and shake hands in a friendly way.

However, this time Ibrahimovic refused to touch Magneto, for fear that Magneto would electrocute it again.

You're not a water-type, flying-type elf... Are you so afraid of electric shock?

Seeing Ibrahimovic's conflicted expression, Fang Yuan shook his head helplessly, and had to give up the plan.

Let's wait until Magneto can control his own abilities!


Fang Yuan also talked about the Poke Ball with Magneto.

Since the range of effects of Magneto's abilities is not yet known, Magneto will still need to be in the ball most of the time.

For Fang Yuan's request, Magneto expressed understanding and was willing to stay in the Poké Ball until he learned to control his abilities.

Okay, don't be too discouraged, this is also God's test for you.

The sky will give the elves a great responsibility... Cough, in short, if you can overcome this difficulty, the road ahead will be more exciting, I promise you.

Fang Yuan just wanted to add two ancient lines, but suddenly realized that Magneto might not understand it, so he changed other lines.

Quie! The little magnetic monster nodded earnestly when he heard the words, looking forward to the future that Fang Yuan said, Ibrahimovic was taken aback for a moment.

on the other hand.

According to Fang Yuan's speculation on the physical condition of Magneto, 90% of the radio waves of Magneto may be disturbed by the thought waves of the awakening power, so it can't normally release electromagnetic waves to shield gravity and fly.

on the contrary.

The wave of thought was also disturbed by the radio waves, which gave the little magnetism an ability similar to an electromagnetic pulse weapon, which could easily destroy electrical appliances like Yongjira.

The former is a typical negative impact, while the latter, although it is also a negative impact in a sense, but if it can eventually become a controllable ability, the meaning will be different.

Now, although it is not known to what extent Magneto's ability can affect electrical appliances, Fang Yuan guessed that it is only limited to small electrical appliances at the moment, otherwise, the electromechanical facilities of power plants and TVs at home should have appeared long ago. Fault is right.

Perhaps this ability will improve as the Magneto has mastered the two moves, Awakening Power and Electromagnetic Waves!

Fang Yuan made such an assumption, but in a short time, he may not be able to verify it.

The top priority at the moment is to let the little magnetite master the awakening power proficiently, so that maybe it can get rid of the influence of the thought wave and release the electromagnetic wave again to fly.

At the same time, Magneto can also concentrate on the phone just like Ibrahimovic.

If the flight problem is solved, the second problem will also be solved, right?

As long as the ability of this kind of electromagnetic pulse weapon can be transformed into a controllable means, then this ability is positive!

There is no good or bad ability, the key depends on whether it is controllable and how to use it.

But... even if you only let Magneto practice the Awakening Power move... you have to supplement it with nutrients... Where can I find so much electricity?

Ugh... It seems that I can only ask my father for help. I don't know if he can take Magneto to the power plant to steal some electricity every day...



Fang Yuan went to school normally in the afternoon after simply eating something outside.

He only took half a day off, and he has gained a lot from this half day.

Not only did he figure out Magneto's talent, but also let Ibrahimovic's study of repayment enter the next stage.

After applying the technique of displacing his anger to repaying his gratitude, Ibrahimovic really became more relaxed in mobilizing his emotional energy, especially when he was wearing a soothing bell, it could capture the emotional energy in his body almost instantly.

However, due to the unskilled control of energy, Ibrahimovic was not able to tap his potential directly through emotional energy like anger.

Listen, although it is easier to use anger energy, you have to remember, don't get angry casually, it is only temporary anger, and it will be bad for your health in the long run.

Look, Huobao monkey is so angry that he is so angry. Fang Yuan read Ibrahimovic's news in the club classroom, showing a terrible expression to Ibu.

Buy... Ibrahimovic opened one eye and closed the other, not daring to look at the picture of the corpse of the Firestorm Monkey.

According to scientific research, anger is easy to die suddenly, anger is easy to lose life, and anger is easy to make ugly... If you don't believe me, just use your mobile phone to check it. Fang Yuan said.

Ibrahimovic: Σ(*д), it's a bit of a believer.

And if you want to remove all the harm of anger, the best way is to maintain a happy mood and have positive emotions. Fang Yuan said: So, repaying kindness is the nemesis of anger, understand?

Remember what I said... I went to class, you practice hard here, and I will come back to you when you wait for the outdoor class.

Fang Yuan left, leaving Ibrahimovic to contemplate in the club classroom.

Because he couldn't find words to refute Fang Yuan, Ibrahimovic worried that he would become like a fiery monkey, so after Fang Yuan left, he immediately practiced repaying his gratitude...

Even...forgot to play with the phone.

It is terrible to express anger, I want to learn to repay my kindness.


at the same time.

On Fang Yuan's side, not long after he returned to the classroom, he was called by the head teacher to the office to greet him.

Although Teacher Zhang is usually very concerned about students, this time, Fang Yuan felt overly enthusiastic.

With Teacher Zhang's next sentence, Fang Yuan finally understood.

You have to pay attention to your health. Teacher Bai has already recommended you to the school leaders to become the captain of the trainer school team, and it is likely to be approved. This position is very important and will be of great help to your future development. If you Because your body is too poor to keep up with the training, you lose the position of captain, and the teacher is a pity for you.

Teacher Zhang, the head teacher, is serious and sincere. Although she is not a trainer herself, she has been teaching in a key school like Pingcheng No. 1 Middle School for many years, and she can see some things very clearly.

Although there is only one word difference between the captain and the team members, the attention they receive is one day at a time.

Since her students have the hope of getting this position, as a class teacher, it is necessary to remind her a few words.

I see, thank you. Fang Yuan sincerely thanked.

School captain?

Fang Yuan is not very surprised, because at this stage, apart from the strength of him and Ibrahimovic, no matter who is the captain, it is estimated that they will not be able to convince the public.

Ah... the pressure is even greater, the captain seems to have a lot of troublesome responsibilities, no, I have to ask how much the scholarship can give me! Fang Yuan said.

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