[Transformers+HP] Moment of Glory

[Transformers+HP] Moment of Glory


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The little witch from the magical world accidentally traveled to another world. "Well... good evening, gentlemen." "I, I didn't bother you, did I?" After being shocked by the Muggle world, the little witch said that her three views had collapsed again!I want to go home!go home go home!I don't care about maya, it's too scary here QWWWWWQ So the little witch embarked on a long way home, and abducted a silicon-based creature by the way_(:з」∠)_[Edible Notes]☆This is the first time I write an article, there are many shortcomings Place, I hope to pat Sir QAAAAQ☆cp, HE must da~☆The nest is a good year for daily change~ For the sake of my hard work, I am the king of QWQ : Edith Stoke, Jazz┃ Supporting roles: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Michaela and a series of characters


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