Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 521 It’s my turn now!

"The Dream and Death of Writer K"

This is the name of Hojo Kyosuke’s new work.

"This time, have you seen through my trick?"

This is the first sentence of the new work.

"This time, are you satisfied with my trick?"

This is the second sentence at the beginning of the new work.

It is undoubtedly a mystery novel.

As early as the first time when President Kenzo Konno and Tsuyoshi Aisaka discussed winning the award with him, they heard that two socialist judges felt that his work did not look like socialism and would actually encourage this kind of socialism. At that time, Hojo Kyosuke said that he would write a standard socialist novel to express his yearning for socialism.

He, Hojo Kyosuke, has no interest in factional disputes. He even made his fortune by drawing comics, but his status is quite low compared to noble "sensei (teachers)" such as mystery writers. This is still now when the influence of comics is increasing day by day. If the time were pushed forward another twenty or thirty years, people would laugh at him if he called himself a teacher.

So he doesn't care about any faction at all. As he said when he first met Eiri, he just wants to write light novels because he wants to make money, and the same goes for drawing comics.

In a sense, it is more beneficial to him for the judges to maintain the status of the award. If one day the appointment of Prime Minister Neon had to be voted on by mystery novel writers, he would laugh out loud, then immediately cut out all the comics and light novels, and copy out all the mystery novels in his memory in one go.

Originally, he jumped in because of the high social status of mystery novel writers. He is a person with vested interests, and it is his duty to maintain the circle.

If he could win the support of the two judges by writing a socialist mystery novel, then he would definitely be moved without hesitation. Anyway, it would only be enough to copy one more book. Those writers are not in this world at all. To some extent, what they are doing can probably be regarded as representing another earth's culture invading another world? It’s quite embarrassing for people on earth.

Of course, you have to have the nerve to say this if you hit your conscience like a ball and hit a home run.

At that time, Chairman Kenzo Konno and Tsuyoshi Aisaka stopped him, saying that if he did such a thing now, it would be considered provocative.

"Huh? You bastard, you want to say that socialist mystery novels are nothing more than that. You can easily write one. Are you provoking us? Are you looking down on your seniors? Are you looking for death? Bar."

That was probably the case, and it seemed to be the same for Hojo Kyousuke when he thought about it. Just like the last time Akane Benisaka came to see her, didn't she just imitate Eiriri's work and make a provocation?

Hojo Kyosuke admits that although he is not a good person, he still treats people well every day and cannot do such evil things, so this idea was strangled in the cradle. He honestly waited for Tsuyoshi Aisaka and Chairman Kenzo Konno to lobby for him, and was even prepared to pay lobbying funds.

There is a reason why he is willing to spend so much energy on this award. The first thing is of course money.

Neon is a country of books. When the whole world strides into the Internet era, it is the only one that still looks like an antique. The newspaper group still has a decisive influence. This status is naturally not earned for nothing. Neon's most influential TV stations are all run by newspaper groups. In addition to constantly suppressing emerging Internet forces, they are also constantly consolidating their own territory.

From the earliest days, serialized novels were the most powerful means newspapers used to attract subscriptions. A good novel can completely support a newspaper company. With subscriptions, people will be willing to advertise, and with advertising fees, high royalties can be provided. This is a virtuous circle. It is not uncommon for a newspaper to fold after a novel is completed.

And how do we let readers know that the novels serialized in our newspapers are excellent and beautiful novels? It’s simple, just tell them!

"Literary Award"

The Yomiuri Shimbun Award, as you can tell from the name, is an award set by the Yomiuri Shimbun. Daily Arts Awards, awards set by the Daily News. The Edogawa Ranpo Award, Japan's highest honor for mystery novels, was not founded by a newspaper, but the winning works were published by Kodansha.

Not just novels, the comics industry also follows suit. You can judge and publish by yourself. If you want to win awards, submit your articles to our company. If you want to see good-looking works, please look for the awards I have judged, that is, come and buy the newspapers and books I publish.

When everyone saw that you were actually doing this, I couldn’t lag behind, so Neon’s literary awards started to bloom everywhere.

There are hundreds of literary awards, enough to keep the literary world open all year round. Even if it takes readers a year to read a "Grand Prize Work" every day, they will receive the next year's awards without any interruption. There is probably no other country in the world that operates literary awards as shamelessly as Neon, but this has also given rise to the strange phenomenon of the "Land of Books."

And to be able to win among so many awards, the Neon Mystery Writers Association Award, which is as famous as the Edogawa Ranpo Award, naturally has an influence. As long as you win the prize, what is running during printing is not the printing press but the money printing machine.

Therefore, the publishing house hopes that he will win the award even more than Hojo Kyosuke himself, and is now actively helping him contact him.

The second is fame, or social status.

In Neon, people generally call people who can help them "sir (teacher)" to show respect. Such as teachers, lawyers, doctors, and writers.

The first three professions are easy to understand. Teachers can impart knowledge to students, lawyers can save customers from trouble, and doctors can cure patients' diseases. So how can writers help? Just helping people kill time?


People can understand the principles of the world. In addition to the words and deeds of their parents and their own observations, most of them can be learned through books.

One of the functions of novels is to explain the heterogeneity of daily life to people. Even if I haven't hired a detective, I still know what a detective can do. Even if I have never killed anyone, I know how terrible killing is. Even if I have committed a crime, I know how miserable life will be after committing the crime.

Therefore, Neon’s definition of a writer is to enlighten the people’s wisdom and improve their national literacy.

The writer thus became an object of respect.

And as a writer, why can’t my status as a writer of sensual novels be as good as yours as a mystery novelist?

This is about Matsumoto Seicho, the originator of neon socialist mystery novelists.

To exaggerate, he was the one who single-handedly put Neon’s mystery novels on the map.

After the war, Neon, who was beaten to death, fell into chaos. Crazy and unjust war brings only destruction and poverty.

They also bombed Pearl Harbor in the United States on the front foot, and they essentially occupied Neon on the back foot. The people around him are either veterans who have killed others, widows whose husbands died on the way to kill, or homeless orphans.

Who are the good guys? Who is the bad guy? Why do you have to suffer all this?

Neon, this country, and society as a whole are unable to answer this question.

If even the most basic good and bad cannot be defined, how does society run?

At that time, some people also wrote related novels to describe the current situation and think about it. But it’s not enough, it’s either too shallow or it’s hard to swallow. Don't I know I'm a bad person? Do I want to see you poke my scar again? I want you to tell me what to do, whether to repent and atone for my sins or simply commit suicide to apologize.

Under such circumstances, Matsumoto Seicho appeared.

This is where the word "socialist" comes from. He used his works to constantly question his readers all over the country: For such a reason, I killed people and committed a crime. What do you think? What kind of person do you think I am? How do you think I should be punished? !

In thirty years, Matsumoto Seicho published 800 works.

In that era, he pushed the status of mystery novels and social mystery novels to an exaggerated level.

This is also the reason why socialist writers can occupy two seats on the selection committee. Their ancestors are really strong.

When Hojo Kyosuke was first thinking about what books to copy, he had already considered all these things. The reason why I copied "The Devotion of Suspect X" was carefully considered and investigated.

um, yes. What editor Shimomura does now, Hojo Kyosuke also did at that time.

"The Devotion of Suspect X" is irrefutably a mystery novel in its own right, and its plot is quite exquisite. But at the same time, it also accurately targets Neon’s current social problems, such as the increasing number of homeless people and the social problems of women.

Is it really right for a homeless man who has no one to pay attention to him to disappear into the world quietly without anyone knowing about it, even if he is treated as a puzzle piece and killed casually? Do you have to endure this kind of thing just because you become a homeless person? Why become a homeless person? Why do you have to wear a suit when you live in a shanty town?

Women's family problems, marital relations, and social status. Why did Hanaoka Yasuko, who was strong and raised her daughter alone after the divorce, have to endure the bullying of her ex-husband? Why not seek outside help?

She killed someone, should she deserve to die? If she doesn't die, who should? His ex-husband? Why didn't anyone stop his ex-husband when he made mistakes again and again? So is society at fault? Or is it this country? !

These are all thoughts that can be seen in this novel, so there is no doubt that this novel can be classified as a socialist.

This is because Hojo Kyosuke is not famous enough now. If the queue for his autograph signing can be stretched from Shinjuku to Hokkaido, then tomorrow's morning news should be that the Prime Minister and the cabinet collectively stand down and promise to pay attention to the homeless immediately. and women’s issues. If the homeless in Tokyo don’t disappear, then they will disappear! If you can't make domestic violence men disappear, then please come and violent us!

If the problem cannot be solved in half a year and Hojo Kyosuke's novel is adapted into a movie and becomes popular all over the world, then the Prime Minister should get out immediately.

If he really wants to become the kind of "national teacher"-level writer who can whip the Prime Minister with a pen, don't say that Hojo Kyosuke is "just" a little carefree. Even if he said in a TV interview, "I just don't want to be selfish and give all my love." "A person", a lot of people will come out to praise his great mind, and no one will say that he is shameless.

When the time comes to visit Miyamizu's house, Hojo Kyousuke will change his submissive style and straighten up to let Toshiki Miyamizu take a good look at who is marrying his daughter!

Therefore, in order to create a happy life, the Neon Mystery Writers Association Award Hojo Kyosuke is bound to win. This is an important puzzle piece leading to a better future, no worse than a tramp!

Fame and fortune, these are the benefits that this award can bring to Hojo Kyousuke. It already includes everything in the world except love.

Therefore, when Kenzo Konno said earlier that he would help him hold a banquet to invite the two judges, Kyousuke Hojo was already ready to say a few good words. I have been a loyal supporter of socialism since I was a child. When I was still in my mother's belly, my prenatal education was based on the novels of Matsumoto Kiyohashi. Anyway, you can say nice things for free. After becoming famous, I don’t believe these old people dare to say another word.

As mentioned before, although these people are fighting factions for their own interests, it is far from being as noble as they say, but Hojo Kyousuke can see them burning themselves to illuminate himself. As a person with vested interests who has already entered the circle, you still need to be aware of this.

But now the situation has changed, and he can no longer be regarded as a vested interest! ? These old people actually want to exclude themselves from the competition? My uncle can bear it, Hojo Kyosuke can bear it, but my father-in-laws can't bear it!

Since it's not a shady case, just expose him directly and don't even eat it!

"The Dream and Death of Writer K"

Mystery novel.

It tells the story of a boy who has been fond of mystery novels since he was a child. When he grew up, he worked overtime while insisting on writing. Finally, one day he successfully wrote a novel that was accepted by a publisher. The shocking good news was followed by even greater good news. The editor told him that this book had great hope of winning awards.

"The award that neon mystery writers most want to win"

Well, the award in the novel is called this. Not only are they scolding the Neon Mystery Writers Association Award, but other awards are also being scolded. Anyone with a guilty conscience can scold anyone who wants to win.

The protagonist was ecstatic, but the editor told him that if he wanted to win the award, he would need to put in more effort, that is, canvassing and lobbying.

Although the protagonist doesn’t know whether a novel is excellent or should win an award and why he needs to do so many redundant things, he still does it for the sake of his dream.

Judge A is the most open-minded. He will give his vote to whoever sends more money, and the price is clearly marked. Although he gave him all his hard-earned royalties and hard-earned money from work, the protagonist liked him the most.

Judge B is the most magnanimous, he is a pervert. An extremely common setting, either money or sex. While cursing in his mind, the protagonist borrowed a large amount of money from a loan company introduced by Judge B and helped Judge B apply for an annual pass at a luxury club in Ginza.

In the editor's comforting voice, "As long as you win the prize, you can make back the money in minutes." The protagonist went to Judge C's home again.

Thank you to the big guys for your monthly votes, recommendation votes and reward support. Thank you.

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