Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 522 Mystery Writer Murder Case

Judge C was the most generous. Not only did he not ask for anything from the protagonist, but he also accepted him as his disciple and taught him all his writing skills.

The protagonist, who had just witnessed the darkness of the literary world, almost thought he was hearing hallucinations, but upon confirmation, he was moved to tears. But then I heard Judge C say that it is not that simple to become a disciple. You have to pass a test, and the test is to write a work that he can recognize.

The protagonist was immediately more moved. This is a true leader of conscience in the industry. If there were more good people like teachers in the mystery novel world, newcomers would not have to worry about not being able to succeed, and the literary world would definitely thrive and develop.

Perhaps it was because he had gone through so many ups and downs that the protagonist's talent really blossomed and he wrote a very good work within a few days. He successfully got the approval of Judge C and became his apprentice.

"If the teacher is willing, this novel can be regarded as our joint creation." The protagonist said sincerely while lying on the ground.

He deeply felt that he was about to fall into the abyss and was saved by his teacher, so he wanted to repay the teacher's kindness.

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about?" Judge C scolded.

The protagonist was even more moved, and the image of the teacher became taller and taller, so his head was lowered to the ground.

"You just did some trivial things under my guidance. How dare you covet the teacher's works?" Judge C said in an extremely harsh tone.

The protagonist who was sitting in the soil seat raised his head. There was no noble teacher in front of him, only a terrifying evil ghost with a green face and fangs.

"Even if you have completed the entry test, you can't slack off in the subsequent annual assessments..."

"I will help you with this award. From now on, you will follow me. My connections and knowledge will be inherited by you..."

"You have to be obedient..."

The protagonist couldn't hear what was said after that. He walked out of the teacher's house and looked back. The tall door seemed to be holding up to the sky, and the threshold was so high that it was holding up to the white clouds.

Can wood grow so tall? Is it because of the sunshine every day?

The protagonist was thinking randomly in his head and answered the editor's questions mechanically. Then, led by the happy editor, we went to judge Ding’s home.

What will happen this time?

Standing in the magnificent lobby of the high-end tower, looking down at his reflection on the bright floor, the protagonist felt that his body was stiff and unable to move forward. But in the end he was dragged into the elevator by the editor, and now he had no choice but to move on.

If you can't win the prize, everything you have paid before will become a bubble and disappear.

Judge Ding is a woman, a woman in her sixties, with some physical defects. Her debut work is based on her own tragic experience. Although such a person has always appeared in public with an inspiring and optimistic image, how could he still be so naive when he encountered the most evil protagonists in the world one after another. He was even ready to die in the elevator.

Whether it's a whip, a pull, or a steel ball, just come over and I will definitely win the prize!

Surprisingly, when the two were alone, judge Ding not only did not reveal his true face, but was as kind as in the interview. He not only praised the protagonist's talent, but also took the initiative to reveal some inside stories about the selection, criticizing and comforting the protagonist by saying He worked hard.

Although he was no longer naive, the protagonist couldn't help but burst into tears after hearing this. However, he did not dare to say a word, for fear that the other party was recording or something, and then threatened him with bad words about himself, like Judge C, treating him like a bull and horse.

But this judge Ding seems to have experienced too many tragic things. He has been caught in the rain and now wants to hold an umbrella for others. He actually keeps praising the protagonist's talent and character and appreciates him very much.

Only at the end, the protagonist vaguely mentioned the vote to her. Judge Ding suddenly mentioned an unrelated matter - she had a daughter who was waiting for marriage.

The protagonist heard the string and understood the elegant meaning, and immediately said that he had been single for decades just to meet Ling Qianjin today. Labor and management are ready to take the steel ball, but now it's just a little sister? Even if she inherits the physical defects of judge Ding, it is not unacceptable. He does not only look at the superficial appearance...

I can't say what I said next.

What appears in front of the protagonist is a hero with the aura of a yokozuna-level sumo wrestler. Not only is he six times as big as the protagonist, but he also has a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

When the protagonist fell into a daze, the judge Ding sighed and began to introduce the two young people who liked each other to each other.

"Although Tianzi looks a little scary, she is very kind at heart."

The protagonist believes this, because this young lady is a complete fool! It's not a curse, he really has an intellectual disability, and he is fat because of some kind of disease.

In a daze, he realized that he had unexpectedly sat on a sofa with Miss Yokozuna. The sofa that could have accommodated four people was now too crowded for one person, and the protagonist was held in the arms of Miss Yokozuna. .

Shamefully, the protagonist found that he actually felt a sense of security. He was exhausted physically and mentally from dealing with the various judges for this period of time, and he actually wanted to cuddle up in this arms and have a good sleep.

What's worse is that, faced with such a deal, he actually sincerely wanted to thank the judge Ding. Because she really didn't ask for anything from herself, but instead married her daughters to herself.

This kindness weighs three hundred and seventy two kilograms! ! !

After walking out of the high-end apartment and standing in the elevator, the first thought in the protagonist's head was "It must be hard for Miss Sweetie to take the elevator, right?"

While others could squeeze in, she had to wait for the next one and was often disliked by others.

Realizing his thoughts, the protagonist's eyes widened, he covered his mouth and cried.

What happened to me, why am I like this?

When I was squeezed by my boss in the company, wouldn’t I always scold them angrily at night? Why am I grateful now? ?

When he worked overtime day and night in a sweat company, the protagonist felt physically exhausted and as if he was dead.

And now, he felt like his soul was dying.

His time will always stop at the moment when he successfully publishes his novel.

Judge E's name is Aisaka Sanjusaburo, and he is the only judge who did not even let the protagonist in, which means he refused to negotiate. The editor asked around and learned that the judge's close friend was also on the list of winning candidates, so he decided to vote for his close friend early in the morning.

The protagonist fell to his knees, banging his fists on the concrete floor and yelling at the injustice of the sky.

Why, why am I not his best friend? ! !

Fortunately, four votes have been obtained, and it doesn't matter whether the last one votes or not. Even if the most open-minded judge A is there, even if someone else bids higher than him, he still has three votes after losing this vote, and winning is a foregone conclusion!

So, on the day the final results were announced, the protagonist wore a high-end suit prepared by his fiancée's mother and went to the hotel where the award ceremony was held.

The protagonist, who was full of confidence, posed what he thought was his most handsome pose under the camera. In the pocket of his high-end suit was an acceptance speech that his "mother" had polished for him. He packaged his experience with his mother's many years of experience and was guaranteed to move all audiences. , earn a wave of popularity.

After a period of confusion, the results were announced, and the protagonist did not win.

The enlightened judge A did not vote for him. Obviously someone bid higher than him, but the reason given was that his trick was too simple. The magnanimous Judge B did not vote for him, and a candidate introduced his eighteen-year-old sister to him. The generous judge C did not vote for him, saying that being famous at a young age was not conducive to his growth and that he needed to settle down more.

Only his mother-in-law really voted for him. She is worthy of being a woman who can train yokozuna-level sumo wrestlers. Her character and courage are truly beyond boasting.

The protagonist suddenly lost his expression, as if he had lost all his energy.

There was a constant stream of ridicule in his ears. Some people laughed at him for going to work overtime just like a social worker. Some people laughed at him that Ginza was not a place for a country bumpkin like him. Some people laughed at him for actually washing the teacher's feet as a disciple. have no idea……

The protagonist looked around and saw that all the literary colleagues present were looking at him, as if they were looking at a monkey in a zoo. They were applauding, but it was not dedicated to the winner on the stage. It was more like giving him a little applause. Seeing that he had given such a wonderful performance to his comrades, they gave him a little applause.

The awards venue was filled with flowers and was as lively as a blazing fire cooking oil. At the buffet, people in suits and ties were discussing social ills in an upright manner.

The protagonist ran to the fruit table with no prospects. Although he received a lot of royalties, he still failed to realize his dream of eating cantaloupe. It was his favorite fruit. The day he received the royalties, the first thought that came to his mind was to immediately order a box of top-quality cantaloupe from Hokkaido and eat it. But before he could take action, he embarked on a canvassing trip.

Now, using a delicate crystal fork to insert a piece of cantaloupe that was as warm and golden as ice cream and put it into his mouth, the protagonist spat it out without even chewing it.

What's going on, why is cantaloupe bitter?

Amid the disgusted looks of others, he tried it a few more times and found that he still didn't feel any sweetness.

The protagonist, who even lost his favorite food, ran out of the venue in a state of collapse.

The loan company came to collect debts. The protagonist called the editor to ask about printing and reprinting, but was told that there was no plan to do so at the moment. I went to judge A and wanted to get my money back, but the other party threatened to report him to the police for blackmail. I went to Judge B and wanted to turn down the annual pass, but was told that there was no such thing. Beware that the club would sue him for leaking privacy. I found Judge C’s teacher, but was asked to come to help on the release day of the new book. Well, what is on sale is his entrance examination.

In the end, his mother-in-law lent him money to pay off his debt.

So, are you two the only ones who are really good to me? The protagonist looked at his mother-in-law with a deformed body and his mentally retarded fiancée, and shed two lines of tears.

Sitting alone in the luxurious living room of his mother-in-law's house, touching the leather cushions of the sofa, the protagonist's eyes flashed fiercely.

Kill you, kill you all!

Kill kill kill kill kill kill!

The protagonist put down his pen, picked up a small schoolbag, picked up a big kitchen knife, and embarked on a journey to purify society.

Sweet wife... fierce wife... In short, he has a wife, a mother-in-law, and a big house to live in. Although he is sad in his heart, he does not want to ruin the good life he has now, so although he is very eager to make those who have laughed at him a good life. Look at the consciousness of a man, let them know what will happen if he forces a kind person, but he still gave up and directly killed several judges openly and happily.

He's a mystery novelist who needs to do something different to kill them off.

What the protagonist hates the most is Judge C who robbed him of the fruits of his labor and treated him like a beast, so he was the first to choose to send him on his way. The trick he chose this time is the classic secret room trick, the most basic trick that can best reveal a writer's skills.

Facing Judge C who was tied up with a quilt in front of him, the protagonist asked with a smile while holding a sharp knife.

"This time, are you satisfied with my trick?"

He revealed all the tricks and promised to let the other party go if Judge C could find out the flaws.

The tied judge C first yelled at the protagonist for being unfaithful, unjust, and unfilial. After seeing that he was indifferent, he began to beg for mercy, saying that the next grand prize would be given to the protagonist. Seeing that the protagonist was still indifferent, he began to curse again and said that he was really blind. Got such a pig and dog apprentice.

The protagonist remained indifferent and just calmly told Judge C that he would never be able to think calmly in the current situation.

It can be said that Judge C is really capable of getting into this position, and he really found the flaw in the protagonist's trick, so the protagonist improved the trick as usual, and smiled after confirming that Judge C could no longer find the flaw. Ending his life neatly.

Looking at the teacher's body, the protagonist smiled and asked:

"This time, are you satisfied with my trick?"

There is no such thing as a perfect trick in the world. The protagonist knows this very clearly, but what he is pursuing is not something inexplicable. What he wants is a trick that absolutely cannot be convicted!

The second person on his death list was not Judge A who took away his royalties and savings, but Judge B.

Why do I have to risk being crushed to death by 372 pounds of meat every day when I sleep? You bastard, you not only have an 18-year-old girlfriend, but you can also go to Ginza to be cool? ? ? !

This time, the protagonist chooses a trick of time.

Kill people who are unlikely to be there at a time when you cannot commit the crime.

Although he has decided to protect his hard-won life, he still can't help but want to vent his anger by telling everyone that I did it.

As usual, I asked Judge B:

"This time, are you satisfied with my trick?"

Then came the third, this time a human trick.

The victim becomes the murderer, which means commits suicide. Neon's biggest murder - suicide.

Thank you to the big guys for your monthly votes, recommendation votes and reward support. Thank you.

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