Veteran new police officer

Chapter 29 Establishing a case for investigation

Everyone was busy, but Han Xin was driven home to rest.

In Zhang Yuhang's words, he is the only professional anti-narcotics policeman in the whole branch, and there is no need for him to be recognized by Chen Meiqin and her son for such a trivial matter.

After all, since Tang Xiaoyu was taken to Linghai by Chen Meiqin, the Chengdong Police Station and Chengdong Street will supervise his community drug rehabilitation, and he is one of the drug rehabilitation personnel managed by the Anti-Drug Squadron.

Han Xin didn't want to meet Chen Meiqin and her son, so she simply obeyed the order and followed the command.

On the morning of the third day of junior high school, I heated up some butter buns in the microwave, poured a cup of boiling water and was about to have breakfast when Lan Doudou called.

Let's take care of things at home quickly, pack a few changes of clothes, and gather back at work before 10:30 in the morning!

That's to be expected.

In the past, if there were no clues, there was nothing we could do. Now if there are clues, of course we have to open a case for investigation, and we have to solve it quickly.

After the three of us finished eating, we just took out our bags and were about to pack our clothes when our cousin called again.

"Brother, we have a blind date at noon. My mother wants you to come back quickly!"

"I don't agree, I have an urgent mission."

"Really or not, what kind of tasks can you do during the Chinese New Year?"

Xu Linlin expressed serious doubts, and at the same time she was a little gloating.

Han Xin stuffed her underwear and socks into her bag, stood up and said:

"Why are you lying to me? I'll turn off the phone later. I may not go home for a few days. If you have anything else to do, wait until the mission is over."

"But my mother has already made an appointment with someone, and she wants to treat them to dinner at noon!"

"Ask them if they can cancel. If they can't cancel, you can work hard and eat with them. You and that girl are classmates. We must have a lot in common. It's a good time to catch up on old times and have a chat."

"I haven't contacted her in years, what's there to talk about..."

Before she finished speaking, a beeping busy tone came from her ears, and Xu Linlin gritted her teeth angrily:

"If you don't like me, you won't like me. Will you die if you come back to see me or have a meal with me? I don't care. Let's see how my mother deals with you!"

Just as Han Xin was lamenting that this mission came so timely, his father called again.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

"Xinxin, I plan to go back to Jiangcheng on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. Do you have time in the past two days? Let's get together as a family again?"

"Dad, I have an urgent mission. If you contact me later, you may not be able to contact me. We will definitely not be able to get together in the past few days."

"What mission is so urgent that you don't even have time for a meal?"

Han Rusong was hesitant, fearing that his wife would hear him, so he quickly closed the door.

Han Xin knew that her father must be very disappointed at this moment, and even felt that the "little gift" of more than 700,000 yuan was given away in vain, so she quickly said:

"Dad, if not, we can meet again when you return to Linghai next time. Or after this mission is over, I will go visit Auntie and Lulu, and try to have dinner with them once a month from now on."

Han Rusong finally felt at ease: "Okay, okay, your aunt and Lulu will be very happy to know!"

"Then it's settled. I'm busy. I'll hang up now."

After handling personal matters, I drove to the criminal police brigade.

He turned off the original cell phone, stuffed it into the storage compartment of the car, took the new cell phone and climbed up to the third floor. He saw the squadron leader who was supposed to be resting today making a call in the office.

Han Xin didn't want to disturb him, so she raised her hand to say hello and came to her office.

Unexpectedly, Lan Doudou was not only there, but also wearing light makeup and lipstick. She wore a white down jacket, a plaid skirt and leggings, and a pair of medium-heeled leather boots.

Look at her energetic short hair. She is really beautiful, fashionable and elegant.

At first glance, he looks like a young and beautiful college student, not like a policeman, and certainly not like a mother with a five-year-old child.

"Xiaoyu, you must listen to your grandparents, don't run around, don't buy things randomly... Mom doesn't want you to buy gifts, just have fun. Okay, mom has to work, let's video chat tonight."

Lan Doudou hung up the phone, put down the phone, looked at him with a smile and asked, "What are you looking at? Is there anything good to see?"

Han Xin grinned: "Look at the beauty."

"What a beautiful woman, she's already an aunt. Didn't we agree to meet at half past ten? Why are you here so early?"

"There's nothing to do at home, so why not come here early. What's going on at your house? The child went out to play?"

"I went to the South China Sea with her grandparents. I went there yesterday. Now I am sitting in the hotel restaurant, eating breakfast while looking at the sea."

"Your husband didn't go?"

"He has to be on duty during the Chinese New Year as well."

While they were chatting, Zhang Yuhang walked in with a smile: "Xiao Han, how was your rest last night?"

"You had a good rest, Captain Zhang. What time did you do it last night? When did you go to bed?"

"I didn't stay up late. I went home before twelve o'clock."

People are in high spirits during happy events. Zhang Yuhang didn't bother to exchange pleasantries. He greeted his two subordinates to sit down and said happily:

"Xiao Han, Liu Zhi and Doudou went back with Chen Meiqin's mother and son last night and got back the two unopened boxes of 'addiction medicine'. The chat records of Chen Meiqin's contact with Zheng Shuhua and the WeChat transfer records of the purchase of 'addiction medicine' were also got it."

"Where's the logistics information, like express delivery orders?"

"The third batch of express delivery orders is posted on the packaging box. The first and second delivery addresses are her hometown, and it has been so long that Chen Meiqin probably won't be able to find them even if she tries to find them."

"But don't worry, Liu Zhi contacted several local express delivery companies early in the morning and has already gone to check. Express delivery is connected to the national network, so it should not be difficult to check."

Lan Doudou held up her warm baby: "The ones who should be videotaped were videotaped, and those who were supposed to be taking notes were also taken. The evidence here is basically fixed."

"The ideological work of Chen Meiqin and her son."

"It's been done. They promise to cooperate and keep it confidential."

Zhang Yuhang took over the conversation: "Early this morning, Xu Wenjing from the technical squadron opened the box and took some samples. I just said that the drug has been detected to contain ingredients such as diphenoxylate and atropine sulfate. The specific content needs to be further tested."

"It seems that compound diphenoxylate tablets also contain atropine sulfate. Is it possible that the compound diphenoxylate tablets are being repackaged and sold as so-called detoxification drugs?"

"Xiao Han, you know chemistry, you know medicine!"

"I don't know anything about this. I just participated in investigating similar cases before, and I searched online before going to bed last night."

"But he definitely knows better than us."

Zhang Yuhang sighed with emotion, and then said: "After you went back last night, I went to a nearby pharmacy and bought three bottles of compound diphenoxylate tablets produced by different manufacturers. I didn't expect that they would come in handy today."

"What's the use?"

"Xu Wenjing used their equipment to analyze and compare the drugs we seized with the three I bought last night. It was found that the drugs we seized only contained diphenoxylate and were not the compound formulas circulating in the medical market. Diphenoxylate tablets.”

"So there's probably a meth factory."

"Not very likely, but almost certain!"

"Is there any basis for this?"

Zhang Yuhang took out an empty medicine bottle from his pocket: "Xu Wenjing discovered that this drug, which is claimed to be a health product and has a certain detoxification effect, looks like it is produced by a regular manufacturer from the packaging."

"But in fact, not only is there no approval document, but the weight of each capsule is different, and the filling is very shoddy. It is definitely not produced on an automated assembly line."


"The reason why Chen Meiqin's friend recommended this drug treatment to Chen Meiqin was because her son was addicted to drugs and he bought it because he was in urgent need of treatment.

It can be seen that this Zheng Shuhua is not a general illegal seller of controlled drugs, but is specifically targeted at drug addicts! "

"This is drug trafficking. There is not only a drug trafficking network, but also a drug manufacturing factory." Lan Doudou emphasized.

Zhang Yuhang nodded and said with high spirits: "The bureau leaders agreed that our squadron would open a case for investigation and asked us to follow the clues to dismantle this drug trafficking network and dismantle this drug manufacturing factory!"

Thinking of the cases he had investigated before, and then thinking about the case he was going to investigate next, Han Xin felt like he was playing a game, playing house, and sighed softly:

"Although this is still a drug crime, it is still different from selling heroin, methamphetamine and other drugs."

"The nature is the same, they are all drug trafficking."

"Captain Zhang, what I mean is that for the suspects, the crime cost of manufacturing and selling controlled drugs is far less than that of selling heroin and methamphetamine. Their vigilance is also not as high as that of drug dealers who sell traditional drugs. I think this case should not be difficult. Investigate.”

"I thought you didn't like it."

Zhang Yuhang laughed and got back to the subject: "We will investigate according to the method you mentioned last night. We will be divided into two groups. You and Doudou will lead the personnel transferred from the brothers' squadron and rush to Hangzhou and Zhejiang after dinner."

"Liu Zhi and I are in a team, responsible for reporting to the city bureau's anti-drug detachment. Please help us coordinate with our brother public security agencies. While providing logistical support, we will also coordinate with colleagues from the Internet Police Brigade and Economic Investigation Brigade to provide assistance to you."

Han Xin was startled: "Doudou and I are in a group!"

Lan Doudou was unhappy and stared at the boss: "Why, you look down on me?"

"No, no, I think..."

"Do you think that because I'm a woman, I can't go on business or handle cases? Not only can I not be of help, but I will also be a hindrance to you?"

Han Xin said hurriedly: "Where are you thinking? I think traveling on business is too hard."

Zhang Yuhang quickly smoothed things over: "Xiao Han, listen to me, the reason why Doudou is arranged to be with you is that Doudou has a police card, and the suspect Zheng Shuhua who has been grasped is a woman. It is easy to arrest, and the procedures have been completed. done.

But what to do after she is caught? You have to search her body. It is not convenient for you, a gay man, to search the body of a female suspect. "

"And on the way back to the escort, if she wants to go to the toilet, can you still go to the women's toilet with her?" Lan Doudou asked angrily.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't think well."

"It's good to know!"

Looking at her excited look, Han Xin felt that she was not ready to go out to handle a case, but more like she was ready to go on a trip.

She thought she was tired of sitting in the office and wanted to take this opportunity to go out and relax.


PS: It is updated at midnight every day to keep everyone up late. Added one more chapter to apologize to everyone.

The next chapter will be uploaded around 7 a.m. tomorrow. Unless the leader adds an update, it will no longer be updated at night.

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