Veteran new police officer

Chapter 30 You are responsible for your actions

The squadron leader said that personnel were transferred from the Brothers Squadron, but in fact only Fan Ziyu from the Intelligence Squadron was transferred.

The reason why he was not transferred to someone else was because he had helped last night and had a better understanding of the case.

In fact, it's because not only is he not married, he doesn't even have a girlfriend. He is just a single, having nothing to do during the Chinese New Year, and he just received his police card not long ago.

If he doesn't have a certificate, he won't be allowed to join the leadership even if he wants to.

No wonder that on the way back from reporting to the city bureau that day, they talked about the police ID. Li Cainiao said disdainfully that it was best not to have one.

The reason is that if you don't have a certificate, only big operations will call you to make up the numbers, and you will definitely not be called when you are alone.

However, Fan Ziyu did not think that having a certificate was a burden. Instead, she was extremely dissatisfied with the efficiency of her superiors in issuing certificates, and even complained about his freshly issued police card.

"Blue team, look, I'm already in the second division before I got the certificate of the third division. Fortunately, I haven't been transferred in the criminal police brigade. If I were transferred, I wouldn't even be in the right workplace."

Lan Doudou leaned over and took a look: "Having a certificate is better than not having one. I also waited more than two years to get the certificate."

Han Xin was more interested in Fan Ziyu's name just now than the police ID card that she had no chance of using even if she got it. She looked at Lan Doudou with a smile and asked:

"Blue team?"

Before Lan Doudou could speak, Fan Ziyu asked with a confused look on his face: "What's wrong with the blue team?"

Lan Doudou was stunned and said with a smile: "Nothing. You can read the suspect's basic information. If you don't want to read it, I will put it away."


Han Xin put aside the suspect's basic information and asked with a smile: "Doudou, you have been promoted!"

Fan Ziyu reacted suddenly and looked at him as if he were an idiot: "Han Xin, don't you know that Sister Doudou is the leader, and don't you know that Sister Doudou is the deputy squadron leader of your squadron?"

"I don't know, I...I really don't know."

Han Xin was a little confused.

Fan Ziyu laughed and said, "Let me ask you, are you from the Fourth Squadron? Why don't you even know this?"

Han Xin smiled bitterly: "No one told me."

Lan Doudou was very embarrassed and quickly explained: "What kind of deputy squadron leader am I? The main reason why I was appointed deputy squadron leader is because my superiors considered that if I didn't have a position, a lot of work wouldn't be possible."

"Xiao Han, you know the work I usually do. I have to show my face and deal with the units outside..."

Fan Ziyu had never encountered such a funny thing before, banging the table:

"Sister Doudou, please stop being modest. What do you mean by being a deputy squadron leader? You are the deputy squadron leader!"

"Our squadron is in a special situation. If it were another squadron, I wouldn't be able to take my turn. Besides, the salary of being a deputy squadron leader is not much more, so the work will not be less."

"The deputy squadron leader is also a leader."

"Don't be ridiculous, I am almost being led by my superiors. Who can I lead?"

The establishment level of the anti-drug squadron is not high to begin with. If the police officers in the anti-drug squadron no longer have a position, the anti-drug work will not be carried out.

Han Xin finally understood and couldn't help but smile: "Lead me!"

"Stop making trouble, is it fun to make fun of me?"

"This is no joke. The relationship between superiors and subordinates must be clear. Hello, Blue Team. I'm sorry, Blue Team. I was blind and I was wrong. I apologize to you and reflect on you..."

"The relationship between superiors and subordinates must be clear, right? OK, I order you to shut up now."

"Yes, I shut up."

"Shut up, what are you talking about? I have snacks here. Are you hungry? If you are hungry, eat something to plug your mouth."

Lan Doudou really brought snacks and a large convenience bag.

Fan Ziyu carelessly picked a chocolate sandwich biscuit and turned around to tease: "Han Xin, after hearing what the blue team said, I suddenly remembered that your squadron still lacks a deputy instructor.

It is difficult to become a deputy commander in other squadrons, but it is easy in your squadron. I would like to congratulate you in advance, and don’t forget to treat you when you are promoted to deputy commander. "

A few days after the new colleague came to the squadron, Lan Doudou really never thought about this.

Hearing what Fan Ziyu said, I suddenly realized that it was not difficult for a new colleague to raise his second finger as long as he had worked in the squadron for a year. After all, the nature of the work of the Anti-Narcotics Squadron was different from that of other squadrons.

But she didn't want to talk about this in front of outsiders. To be precise, she didn't want to cause any more hatred for the squadron, so she quickly changed the topic:

"Xiao Han, let's get down to business. The urine test and hair test results from Chengdong Police Station last night showed no problem. Li Jiao asked Yan Wei to take Tang Xiaoyu away. How did you know that there was something wrong with Tang Xiaoyu."

"Yes, how did you see it?" Fan Ziyu was also curious.

"It's actually very simple. Through cross-examination and online searches, they found that Tang Xiaoyu was not only a community drug rehab worker, but also had been in community drug rehab for two years. But if he could persist in not relapsing for two years, then Tang Xiaoyu would definitely not be in his current mental state."

Lan Doudou suddenly realized: "If you think about it carefully, if you don't smoke for two consecutive years, you should look like a normal person!"

Han Xin smiled and continued: "This may have something to do with the fact that they have come into contact with relatively few drug addicts. They must have preconceived notions that anyone who has been exposed to drugs will be in a trance and depressed."

Fan Ziyu muttered: "I haven't come into contact with many drug addicts. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to tell."

Just as he was talking, a young auxiliary police officer and a middle-aged auxiliary police officer in his forties appeared at the door.

Lan Doudou stood up with a smile and said, "Old Tang, Xiaotian, I'm sorry to make you all have a bad New Year."

"Blue team, what are you talking about? We're not too late."

"No, no, you go and change quickly. Eat after changing, and set off after eating."

"Okay, let's go down first."

After watching the two auxiliary police officers leave, Lan Doudou turned around and introduced: "Tian Mo is a police academy student, but he went to the Judicial Police Academy and is preparing to take the civil service exam. The young man is very smart and capable."

"Old Tang is a veteran auxiliary police officer and a veteran driver of our brigade. He has rich experience and can definitely help."

Han Xin nodded, thought about it and asked, "How many cars should we drive there?"

"Two cars, one is the Sagitar that Captain Zhang helped you get back from the bureau, and the other is the Elantra parked in front of the cafeteria. They both have local license plates."

"Then let's send our luggage to the car first, and then go find a few more pairs of handcuffs. It's best to bring the test kits and detectors as well."

"I'll get the handcuffs. How many pairs do you want?" Fan Ziyu stood up.

"You have to bring five or six pairs anyway. If you have disposable plastic handcuffs, you can bring more to be prepared."

"Where's the gun? Do you want to get one?"

"There's no need to take the gun. We're not going to arrest desperadoes."

Thinking that the beautiful woman was really the leader of the squadron, Han Xin turned around and asked, "Blue team, what do you think?"

Lan Doudou gave him a blank look without hesitation.

Han Xin asked cautiously: "Blue team, please tell me whether you want to get a gun or not."

Lan Doudou laughed angrily, and while packing away the snacks on the table, she laughed and cursed:

"Is it over yet? Didn't Captain Zhang make it very clear? You are a professional and you are responsible for your actions. You have the final say whether to apply for a gun or not!"

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